Config - Figma Design Conference


Design Conference Alert !!

Figma is hosting a virtual global design conference Config on May 10-11, 2022. This design conference takes place over a 24-hour period. 

- 100+ speakers

- 20+ Countries

- Free to register (No overpriced ticket price!) 

Config would start with the keynote from the Figma CEO Dylan Field and continue with multiple speakers worldwide. Kudos to the organizers for scheduling some interesting accessibility topics.

If I had to pick one topic I am looking forward to, I would have to select: “Making Accessibility More Accessible for Your Organization” by the Sonos design team.

You can find the full schedule on the Config website.

Registration is FREE. I am happy to see that Figma is not charging the overpriced ticket fee of other design conferences. Considering the agenda and speakers, I would definitely recommend this design conference. 

Register for the conference here:

Don’t worry if you are not able to catch the action live. You can watch all the recorded conference sessions on Youtube: