Color themes with Adobe Kuler

Kuler is an Adobe product for creating and viewing color themes.

Kuler can be accessed in the following forms: 
 -  Web application ( ) 
 -  Adobe Air application ( 
 -  Extension for CS suite

Color Themes can be created by the following techniques: 

Color themes by mixing: Color themes can be created manually by selecting the color from the color wheel. Kuler also provides 7 types of color rules for creating color themes. Each of these color rules is based on the Color Theory. These rules are really useful if you are planning to create a color theme from scratch.

creating a color theme in Kuler - screenshot :

Color themes from the image: This is one of the beautiful features available in Kuler. It allows the user to extract a color theme for an image. The image can be uploaded directly by the user or fetched from Flickr.  Colors can be picked manually by moving the pointers over the image or themes can be created by selecting the predefined moods.

 Source image and extracted color theme :


Color theme by editing the existing themes (Color themes created by other users)

Using it in Photoshop/ Illustrator

Importing it into Photoshop:   Color theme can be saved as an .ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) file and then imported into Photoshop.

Kuler allows the users to save and publish the color themes created by them. Other users can search color themes for inspirations and even modify a color theme and save it with a custom name.

If you have any questions check out the Kuler forum.
  • The touch version of the Kuler app is available for Android (Kuler for Android is discontinued now and no longer available) and it is yet to be released for iPhone/iPad.
  • List of Mashups done using Kuler from Adobe site:

Here is a short Ad inspired by Kuler

If you are a developer and want to develop a Kuler application – find the documentation here.