Take Screenshots of your webpage in various browsers in just one singleclick

Taking screen shots of your web page in all the browsers in one heck of a job.As a designer I always hated this part as it is very time-consuming.

To my surprise, I came across this site "Browser shots" . I owe big time to this site as it saved me loads of time by taking screenshots of my webpage in a few seconds.

All you have to do is just enter your web address in the given space ,select the browsers in which you want to check it and some miscellaneous options like size and other things and hit 'Submit'. Thats it .

Voila! .

The amazing site gives you the set of screen shots of your website to you as  individual pics and also as a zipped file which you can download.

All these happens in a few seconds.Good job to whoever created this awesome site.Your creation is a boon to designers all over the world.Cheers!!!